Wednesday, June 23, 2010

haven't blogged in quite a while, it's been a crazy few weeks.

Let me just vent for a few minutes ...

work makes me crazy sometimes, or more specific some of the people make me crazy. I am amazed at the lack of work ethic in people, and the lack of common sense, and the childishness. Maybe I'm part to blame since I am a supervisor, and I tend to shy away from confrontation. I am also a laid back, fun loving kinda gal so I let people get away with a lot more than they should, I also think I maybe expect too much but I sort of figured that people working in an office environment all being adults really shouldn't need to be told what I think are no brainers, should they? I think I need to change my ways, learn to toughen up. Anyone know where I can get some balls? lol

oh and while I'm venting can I just mention that some men are REALLY stupid! Being a single working girl I find it incredibly hard to meet new people, especially single men my age that are decent and normal. Ok, normal is a very questionable word but when I say normal I just mean not a complete freak show. Pretty much all the men I've met in the last couple years have been just that ... a freak show. I really think I could right some sort of comedy memoir on my dating life the last couple years. Mostly it's been non-existent but when I do decide to try and do something about it I meet real winners. Let me just give you one example. So maybe a year and a half ago I met what I thought was a nice guy named Steve. We met online in some weird facebook application. He seemed nice, we chatted a lot and then decided to meet in person. We met for coffee and again he seemed like a real gentleman. So then we saw each other a few times over a few weeks. He came to my house for a movie, I went to his house for dinner. We made out a bit but by no means was I thinking about sleeping with him. So over a text message one morning as he was saying something about it I said I didn't know if I wasn't ready and quite frankly I wasn't sure I ever did ... something was starting to become a little creepy about him. He tried to hard was the main thing. He came to my house for I think it was our 2nd our 3rd meeting to just hang out and watch a movie ... he brought me flowers, a stuffed teddy bear (sorry what grown woman wants that?), a bunch of beer like he was moving in, a perfume sample, some candles, oh yeah and my own pink tool belt ... he was going to help me hang up a shelf that I needed hanging but I said I didn't feel like it. Anyways so back to the text message and he is not impressed by my announcement of no nookie for him so he told me ever so kindly to "f off fatty". So my response was no response. I'm not going to waste my breath on some piece of crap that talks to me like that. Well a few months ago I got a message from him saying hi, and now again tonight he sent me a message "hi, how have you been?" ... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Are you really that stupid that you think I will ever talk to you again? You are wrong, I am not that desperate for a man!

Ok, enough of my bitching! lol So far this summer has been pretty good, the weather has been fairly decent and my ball is going well. We're not necessarily doing well but I'm doing pretty good and I'm having fun and that's what's most important! My Tuesday night league was a double header last night. It was tiring but fun. It was hotter than stink and according to my best friend Steph ... so was I! lol I made a few really nice catches that I felt damn good about and she said to me as I came off the field "thank goodness the fire dept is so close 'cause you are on fire!" lol Tomorrow I have an early game thankfully as I have to pack up my gear to head south for the weekend! Just going to spend the weekend with my folks and do some work on some projects I've got on the go. Should be fun!

I had a great weekend last weekend with my family. Went to my brother's Friday night and watched my nieces soccer games, then went to walk around the car show in town. Saturday was more soccer for most of the day ... hot, hot, hot! Oh and I ended up with a smurf for a dog ... Macy stepped in blue paint and had it all over her paws! lol Luckily most of it wore off by the time we got home. Saturday late afternoon my nieces, Dad and sister in law went to the fair and did a few rides. Back at home we had a bbq with my parents, grandparents, Aunt & Uncle. Sunday we went out for breakfast for fathers day, then we went bowling/played some arcade games. After that we were relaxing at home. My brother and I played catch with my Dad which was fun. Still after all these years and being an adult I still love playing catch with my Dad. It's one of my fondest childhood memories. I used to torment him, I wanted to play every day. He would come home tired from a long day at work and all I wanted to do was play catch. Still love it!

The weekend before last I was in Chatham and had a crazy time. Got there Saturday afternoon and the madness began. 3 dogs and 2 kids! The dogs were crazy, running around and playing ... even at 4 am! Had dinner with my friend who was actually one of my high school teachers. She and her husband both and they are a riot! Caught up with a few friends ... and then the drama happened! My friend Gigi (who is one of my best friend's daughters) was on the top of her swing set playing (because that is a good place to play!) when she fell off. I thought she jumped but she fell. She was waving her arms saying she couldn't move her arms so I laughed at her. Shannon and I both figured she just shocked herself and was ok. We put her to bed with ice on her arms/wrists and checked on her a few times. By the time I left Shannon was taking her to emergency to get checked out ... the poor kid broke both her wrists!! Yikes! Guess that's the last time she'll play on top of the swing set!

Well I'm off to walk Mace and then call it a night!

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