Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Foxy Lady ...

so it's official, Macy and I are being stalked by foxes! Frickin' things are scaring the bejesus outta me! Every morning we walk with our friend Mona, she's a retired nurse that walks an hour every morning around the village (she's my hero!). We walk over to her house to meet her and then she escorts us home ... at least this used to be our routine. She lives in an area that is a little more secluded than my downtown metro location (lmao) and the stretch of about 1 block before her house is open field, a ravine, a bunch of bushes etc so no where to go and it is dark ... especially at 6:15 am when we are walking. We've seen foxes MANY times and they often just stop and watch you but 2 times last week they followed me up her driveway. The most recent time on Sunday they followed at a good trot and thank god her front door was open this time so I could go in. That bloody thing followed us right to the door and then sat down to watch us for a few minutes. By the time she came out to us it was gone. I think they might be living in the drainage thingies in her ditch. So as I was near vomiting on Sunday night stressing out and figuring out how I was going to tell her I couldn't walk that way anymore, or beg her to drive over to my house so neither of us would have to walk alone anymore ... turns out she was feeling the same way! Monday morning we headed out to meet her and she was already almost at our house, she had parked down at her friends house so she could miss that nasty stretch of road where the foxes mostly like to hang out. We now walk for 45 mins in the morning with her and do pretty much her whole route around the village. This is even better than what we were doing before! Will be good for both Macy and I ... and most importantly we have not yet seen 1 fox!

So my cruise is now 1 week away! I can hardly stand it! I now have a list a mile long of potential things to pack ... oh the fun it will be this weekend trying to narrow it down! The ridiculous thing is a lot of the ensembles revolve around a certain new pair of grey boots I bought ... ones that have been worn once and then the 2nd time I put them on the zipper split on me. I was livid! There were a lot of bad words said! I have now taken them to the shoe doctor and I am optimistic that he is going to be able to fix the zipper because if he can't it will be $25 a zipper to replace them ... I only paid $60 for the boots in the first place! I feel a road trip to Pt. Huron this weekend coming on to try to return them! Hmm that might not be such a bad plan because I am also obsessed with getting a pair of black pointy toed dress shoes as all my dress shoes are open toed. I think this would solve a lot of hassle for my trip, they will be very functional with all the dress ensembles I am planning for the formal/semi-formal dinners. Damn me and my obsessiveness! Once I get an idea I often have to give in an go with it! Yep I'm going to Pt. Huron! lol

Did I mention how fantastic it will be to have 2 weeks off work?!?!? I soo need it. Luckily I am already just about in vacation mode, I had a meeting today with my staff and some of them I seriously just don't understand. I don't ask a lot of them, and frankly they've gotten away with WAY too much in the past. I am trying to lay down the law a little tougher now (ha that's hysterical ... me lay down the law!) ... and the one just has such an attitude about it. Seriously part of the job requirements since the day she walked in the door almost 10 years ago were that she dress business casual meaning no jeans and t-shirts ... today I told her no more jeans Monday - Thursday and she got pissed off. Seriously?!?!? We've been letting you get away with it for a few years and you're lippy about being called out on it? Thank god I'm going on holidays because I can't deal ...

on that note I have about100 more ATC cards to make for this cruise and they aren't gonna make themselves so I'm off to work! I came up with one really cool design if I do say so myself. I used the picture of Macy that is in the header here and made it an Andy Warholish design. I have a few fun sayings that I'm putting on as well. Fun!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Typical Amy

so in typical Amy fashion last night ... I fell! I got a call from my friend Lisa about going to walk our dogs together, but of course I missed her call so instead of just walking Mace we went over to the ball park to see if we could find them ... not there but what we did find were a couple men's baseball games going on. Why haven't I been going to them all summer long?!?! Anyways after we walked around and did our business I decided to stop and watch a bit of the game. Was a good game and chatted a bit with Jeff the umpire who also umps my leagues. Got a bit of low down on some drama that happened in the Thursday night league (gasp, shock! Drama in the Thursday night league?!?! lol) ... and if I wasn't imagining things I got a few looks from some of the fellas playing. Great and I was looking so ravishing ... sweatshirt, running shoes, jeans ... not glam at all! lol Anyways after about 20 mins or so Macy was starting to get restless and then someone hit a fly ball up over the fence and it bounced off the bleachers scaring the crap outta Macy. As she was moving away my arm was twisted over my head to try to stop her and I lost my balance and there was nothing I could do but tip over off the end of the bench. Graceful! Landed right on my knee and it hurt like heck! lol The guy behind the bleachers was looking at me with a look of shock like "did I just see you fall of the bottom of the bleachers?!?!" Yep ... typical Amy ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's the Final Countdown! duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

2 weeks today and I am outta here!! I have never before felt so much like I need a vacation. I am at the point where everyone and everything irritates me, even the tiniest thing. So lucky for me in 2 weeks I leave for the most amazing trip I can imagine! I am headed to NYC and then on to New Jersey where I get to climb on board a Royal Caribbean cruise to New England and Canada! Ok so the location isn't super exotic but it will still be fantastic ... and on top of that ... Tim Holtz! I will be going to daily work shops with my favourite designer! All supplies will be given to us so all we have to do is show up, it's fanfreakintastic! I cannot wait to see what amazing projects he's got for us.
Now the big dilemma ... what to pack? Oi yoi yoi ... I am not a good packer, I'll admit it. I am getting better though!

Friday, September 10, 2010

for fear of getting any more hate comments (Sus!) I thought I would write a little ditty ... I had an absolute crap week even though it was a short one. I believe the before mentioned Sus also had a crappy week ... maybe I should stop hanging around her?!?! Just kidding! lol
It was just a rather stressful week at work so I'm glad to see it over. And a nice way to end the week was playing ball. We began our year end finals tournament tonight. We played 2 games, won one 14 -0 and lost the other by 1 run! Dang it! We had a lot of fun though so it was all good. The games begin again tomorrow morning at 9 am. I figured we needed all the fans we could get so I've recruited my entire family. I believe even as I type my parents are on their way here from Indiana ... now those are dedicated fans!! Hopefully I don't suck tomorrow!

On another fun note ... I leave for my cruise in 18 days!!!!! I cannot wait! I am so freakin' excited! I'm part of a yahoo group for all the people going on the cruise, well the Tim Holtz part anyways and the emails have been flying back and forth. The excitement is definitely building up! I'm excited to be able to spend a day and a half in NYC too! woo hoo! now if only I could find that money tree in the next 18 days. Actually I'd like to find it in the next 2 days as I've twisted (ha ha ha) Sus & Vic to go to The Bay with me on Sunday! A girl can't go on a cruise without some new duds!

Well gotta go check the laundry and then take the pupperoni for a walk. Hopefully no foxes tonight or in the morning! Those stinkin' things freak me out and they are all over the place!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I could quite possibly be the worst blogger evah! I only have a couple followers (his Sus & Bex!!) so I tend to just tell them my ridiculous stories in person or email ... although this blogging thing I could see being a good outlet for many it so far hasn't done much for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all the blabbing I do but I need more peeps! lol

I am still thinking about the wedding I went to last week ... it was so freaking awesome! My friends Karen & Alf are big fans of Jimmy Buffet, the islands, flip flops, margeritas .. you know the deal. So I got to make the invitations which if I do say so myself turned out pretty cool! And the wedding was so nice, it was a backyard wedding, low key, casual, but such a great atmosphere, you could feel their happiness. Had a great time! Oh yeah and got to re-connect with someone special that I'm hoping will turn in to something this time ... it's been an on/off, strange/messed up thing for almost 2 years now ... we'll see what happens ...

This weekend I went to Chathole to have a yard sale with my friend Shannon. It was great getting rid of a pile of junk! Well junk to me, as the saying goes "one man's junk is another man's treasure!" Yard sales are a lot of work. I almost pondered just loading it all in the car and taking to Goodwill. We did that with the leftovers and I'm glad we did, I managed to make $90. Not too shabby, paid for a really nice meal out and still had some leftover! Shannon and I met when we were 6 ... that's a loooooong time ago! So we hooked up with our other friends Sue & Sandi for a nice dinner and a couple drinks/games at Sue's house. It was so nice to just relax and hang out with the girls. It's been years since we've done that. All 3 of them are married with kids and I have a busy life too so it's hard to get the 4 of us together. I'm impressed that we still manage to after all these years. Most people just sort of give up on it and the friendships fade ... nice to be able to connect with old friends. The only down fall was the lack of sleep! It's madness at Shannon's house with me and Mace ... that makes 3 medium/big dogs, 2 kids and 3 adults ... that's a lot goin' on at one house! Macy thought it would be fun to eat 24-7 so that Jasper and Barkley could get none, and pace a lot in the evenings so there wasn't a lot of sleeping going on. Oh and she and her boyfriend Jasper always like to play and make lots of noise chasing each other too. Good for the sleep! lol

So on that note, I'm going to take the pooch out for one last time and go to bed!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

haven't blogged in quite a while, it's been a crazy few weeks.

Let me just vent for a few minutes ...

work makes me crazy sometimes, or more specific some of the people make me crazy. I am amazed at the lack of work ethic in people, and the lack of common sense, and the childishness. Maybe I'm part to blame since I am a supervisor, and I tend to shy away from confrontation. I am also a laid back, fun loving kinda gal so I let people get away with a lot more than they should, I also think I maybe expect too much but I sort of figured that people working in an office environment all being adults really shouldn't need to be told what I think are no brainers, should they? I think I need to change my ways, learn to toughen up. Anyone know where I can get some balls? lol

oh and while I'm venting can I just mention that some men are REALLY stupid! Being a single working girl I find it incredibly hard to meet new people, especially single men my age that are decent and normal. Ok, normal is a very questionable word but when I say normal I just mean not a complete freak show. Pretty much all the men I've met in the last couple years have been just that ... a freak show. I really think I could right some sort of comedy memoir on my dating life the last couple years. Mostly it's been non-existent but when I do decide to try and do something about it I meet real winners. Let me just give you one example. So maybe a year and a half ago I met what I thought was a nice guy named Steve. We met online in some weird facebook application. He seemed nice, we chatted a lot and then decided to meet in person. We met for coffee and again he seemed like a real gentleman. So then we saw each other a few times over a few weeks. He came to my house for a movie, I went to his house for dinner. We made out a bit but by no means was I thinking about sleeping with him. So over a text message one morning as he was saying something about it I said I didn't know if I wasn't ready and quite frankly I wasn't sure I ever did ... something was starting to become a little creepy about him. He tried to hard was the main thing. He came to my house for I think it was our 2nd our 3rd meeting to just hang out and watch a movie ... he brought me flowers, a stuffed teddy bear (sorry what grown woman wants that?), a bunch of beer like he was moving in, a perfume sample, some candles, oh yeah and my own pink tool belt ... he was going to help me hang up a shelf that I needed hanging but I said I didn't feel like it. Anyways so back to the text message and he is not impressed by my announcement of no nookie for him so he told me ever so kindly to "f off fatty". So my response was no response. I'm not going to waste my breath on some piece of crap that talks to me like that. Well a few months ago I got a message from him saying hi, and now again tonight he sent me a message "hi, how have you been?" ... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Are you really that stupid that you think I will ever talk to you again? You are wrong, I am not that desperate for a man!

Ok, enough of my bitching! lol So far this summer has been pretty good, the weather has been fairly decent and my ball is going well. We're not necessarily doing well but I'm doing pretty good and I'm having fun and that's what's most important! My Tuesday night league was a double header last night. It was tiring but fun. It was hotter than stink and according to my best friend Steph ... so was I! lol I made a few really nice catches that I felt damn good about and she said to me as I came off the field "thank goodness the fire dept is so close 'cause you are on fire!" lol Tomorrow I have an early game thankfully as I have to pack up my gear to head south for the weekend! Just going to spend the weekend with my folks and do some work on some projects I've got on the go. Should be fun!

I had a great weekend last weekend with my family. Went to my brother's Friday night and watched my nieces soccer games, then went to walk around the car show in town. Saturday was more soccer for most of the day ... hot, hot, hot! Oh and I ended up with a smurf for a dog ... Macy stepped in blue paint and had it all over her paws! lol Luckily most of it wore off by the time we got home. Saturday late afternoon my nieces, Dad and sister in law went to the fair and did a few rides. Back at home we had a bbq with my parents, grandparents, Aunt & Uncle. Sunday we went out for breakfast for fathers day, then we went bowling/played some arcade games. After that we were relaxing at home. My brother and I played catch with my Dad which was fun. Still after all these years and being an adult I still love playing catch with my Dad. It's one of my fondest childhood memories. I used to torment him, I wanted to play every day. He would come home tired from a long day at work and all I wanted to do was play catch. Still love it!

The weekend before last I was in Chatham and had a crazy time. Got there Saturday afternoon and the madness began. 3 dogs and 2 kids! The dogs were crazy, running around and playing ... even at 4 am! Had dinner with my friend who was actually one of my high school teachers. She and her husband both and they are a riot! Caught up with a few friends ... and then the drama happened! My friend Gigi (who is one of my best friend's daughters) was on the top of her swing set playing (because that is a good place to play!) when she fell off. I thought she jumped but she fell. She was waving her arms saying she couldn't move her arms so I laughed at her. Shannon and I both figured she just shocked herself and was ok. We put her to bed with ice on her arms/wrists and checked on her a few times. By the time I left Shannon was taking her to emergency to get checked out ... the poor kid broke both her wrists!! Yikes! Guess that's the last time she'll play on top of the swing set!

Well I'm off to walk Mace and then call it a night!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today's Lesson ... The Dangers of Not Proof Reading ...

today I had a huge laugh ... and a bit of concern.
So my boss and I had been working on a program for a conference he was going to in Vegas for probably the whole month of May. We'd get ads in and I'd have to set them in place in the program, and at times reset/fix them if they were of poor quality. The programs were printed and sent out as the conference was this past weekend. I got an email from my boss this morning telling me to take a look at one of the ads again to see if I noticed anything weird. OH NO! What did I type wrong?!?! Sure enough there it was staring at me .... "Orange Cunty" instead of "Orange County"! OMG!! Why couldn't I have missed the O, or T or pretty much anything else?!?! My poor boss was there at the conference and everyone knew that he was responsible for the printing ... and I made that huge mistake! Once I stopped laughing hysterically I felt awful! Hopefully he's not too mad, couldn't tell by the tone of the email.
On a similar note we found out one of our clients made a huge error on a very important piece. We are trying to think of ways to fix it without having to rerun the whole thing. See proof readers ... VERY important!!

So on a totally unrelated note I'm happy to say that I am now part of two ball teams this summer. I bailed on my original Thursday night team this year because I was trying to save some money & not be away from Macy Grey too much but also because I just didn't really feel like I gelled with the team ... well some of the other girls in our Tuesday league approached me tonight about playing on their team. Honestly their team is the team that I totally wanted to be on, I know and like everyone on the team so I'm looking forward to it. I'm also feeling pretty darned special that the even asked me! They must have been desperate! lol I don't care, I'll take it!

It was decided at work today that all the people in the office were going to go in on lottery tickets for the big Lotto Max draw ... let's hope we win!!!