Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's the Final Countdown! duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

2 weeks today and I am outta here!! I have never before felt so much like I need a vacation. I am at the point where everyone and everything irritates me, even the tiniest thing. So lucky for me in 2 weeks I leave for the most amazing trip I can imagine! I am headed to NYC and then on to New Jersey where I get to climb on board a Royal Caribbean cruise to New England and Canada! Ok so the location isn't super exotic but it will still be fantastic ... and on top of that ... Tim Holtz! I will be going to daily work shops with my favourite designer! All supplies will be given to us so all we have to do is show up, it's fanfreakintastic! I cannot wait to see what amazing projects he's got for us.
Now the big dilemma ... what to pack? Oi yoi yoi ... I am not a good packer, I'll admit it. I am getting better though!

1 comment:

  1. So jealous of your trip and I will be stuck here working. No fair.
